Internal Factors of Human Resource Management

Internal Factors of Human Resource Management

In a Changing Environment The internal environment also puts a lot of pressure on human resource management. The internal environment includes those factors that influence an organization’s human resources from within the organization’s boundaries. Basic internal factors include the firm’s mission, company policies, and corporate culture. These factors are taken into account in human resource management andHas major influence in determining integration between other departments.

Some of these are like this-

(1) Mission, Strategy and Task Mission is the reason and justification for the existence of a firm. The mission is often expressed in terms of the benefits the firm provides to its customers. An organization’s mission statement explains what it is, why it exists and the specific contribution it can make. For example ONGCPlease note the mission statement of ‘To encourage, sustain and accelerate efforts to develop and maximize the contribution of the energy sector to the country’s economy. ,

A strategy outlines the direction in which an organization moves. A strategy in the form of a plan takes the organization into the area of ​​competition in the environment and uniformity with the resources of the firm. For example, InfosysInitial success was also due to uniformity of its strategy, structure, people and management.

A task is a task an employee is expected to perform. Many tasks make up a job. When we describe task here, we keep job in mind because an employee holds a job and through it he performs the tasks related to it. On employee motivation and satisfaction with tasksThere are effects. Many job characteristics such as required skills, task importance, self-governance, and outcome feedback have motivating effects. In fact, the impact of the job on employee motivation is so important that Herzberg endorsed the concept of job enrichment. How do job factors influence HR decisions? They definitely influence recruitment as employees are highly motivated and satisfied.If their priorities are accepted. In reality, only a few jobs match all preferences. When jobs are difficult, HR managers should provide additional incentives (such as higher salaries) because fewer people prefer such jobs.

(2) Policies – Policies provide directions for thinking. Policies tell people what they should or should not do. they that wayDirects the activities in which the activities are to be achieved. In large organizations, most of the policies are related only to the management of human resources. Some important policies affecting the work of an HR manager are mentioned below-

1. To provide employees with a workplace that is as safe as possible.

2.To enable all employees to achieve their human potentialTo encourage as much as possible.

3. To provide compensation that encourages a higher level of efficiency in the form of increased quality and quantity of output.

(3) Organizational culture – Organizational culture is the product of all the characteristics of the organization – its people, objectives, size, technology, associations, policies, its successes and its failures. It is the sum total of shared values, beliefs and habits within the organization andIn short it can be called organizational personality. The challenge for HR professionals is to adjust positively to the organization’s culture. They need to choose paths that best reflect the organization’s culture and the perspectives of its people. Understanding the type of culture present in a firm is important to create appropriate HR policies and strategies.

(4) Job design andOrganizational Structure – We will soon abandon foreign concepts and fads like quality circles, TQM, etc. while designing organizations. In their place, the organizational structure and design will be mainly based on the following-

1.Task approach i.e. understanding the intricacies of tasks, techniques and jobs to be performed to achieve organizational tasks.

2.The individual approaches his/her strengths at work,Takes information about aspirations and relationships. Some other factors which show the situation of HRM in the changed environment-

(1) Changes in industrial relations – The behavior of IR has changed a lot. The view that workers should be disciplined at the will of the manager must be buried. The development of workers will require simple and appropriate inputs but workers and managers will have to make assumptions. of the same group and companyManaged and developed by HRM philosophy

(2) Building organizational skills – The process of managing managers will not only include helping them acquire new skills and knowledge and evaluating environmental changes to develop business strategies. Rather, it is also to remain in a psychological state ready for continuous change.

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