Meaning and definition of working class

Meaning and definition of working class

policy Employee policies are predetermined statements regarding the goals and objectives of the organization, which clarify the resolutions related to employees, provide the basis for achieving the employee objectives and guide them. According to Richard P. Calton, ‘Service policies guide action.’ They provide common criteria or basisOn which decisions are taken. Their origins lie in the values, philosophies, ideologies and principles of the organization.

Features or qualities of an ideal service class policy

1. Simplicity- The retirement policy should be so simple that even less educated employees can easily understand it.

2. Impartiality- Retirement policy should not be made for the benefit of any particular employee but should be made in accordance with the general interests. completely in itIt is necessary to maintain impartiality.

3. Complementing the objectives – The service sector policy should also have the quality of being objective. A policy without any purpose has no importance.

4. Flexibility- The service sector policy should have the quality of elasticity, that is, it should have the characteristic that it can be changed according to time and circumstances.

5. Clarity- The service policy should be completely clear. any kind ofThere should be no concealment as an unclear policy gives rise to suspicion which is detrimental to the organization.

6. Goodwill- The retirement policy should be such that a friendly environment is developed between the employer and the employees and between the management and the employees.

7. Confidence motivator – An ideal separation policy develops a sense of self-confidence and pride among the employees. This quality is in every service class policyShould be.

8. Sense of security – The employee policy should be such that it instills a sense of security in the employees because the more secure the employees feel, the more willing they are to work for the organization.

Objectives of working class policies Keith and Gubellini have described the following three objectives of working-class policies:

1. Maximum personal development- For this purposeAccording to this, the objective of service policy should be maximum personal development of employees. So that by developing a healthy spirit among them, they can move towards making their organization strong and prosperous. By adopting the objective of maximum personal development, it is possible to create more efficient and capable employees.

2. Maximum utilization of human resources- Maximum personal development of employees to make them moreIt is possible to become efficient which is directly related to the effective use of human resources because efficient employees are able to accomplish the objectives of the organization more effectively. Therefore, the essential objective of policy making is maximum utilization of human resources.

3. Establishment of good relations between the employer and the employees – To fulfill the first two objectives in the organization, there is a need for good relations between the employer and the labour.It is also necessary to have good relations between them so that an environment of mutual goodwill and trust can be created between them. Therefore, the objective of policy making is to establish good relations between employers and employees.

Apart from the above mentioned three objectives of the service class policy described by Keith and Gubellini, the following objectives can also be there –

1.Development of the spirit of mutual cooperation,

2.Management andEstablishment of good relations among employees,

3. Providing work related security to employees,

4. Providing financial and non-financial incentives to employees,

5.Continuous availability of skilled employees,

6.Development of self-respect among employees,

7. Providing opportunities for advancement to employees, 8. Providing basis for service work etc.

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